Name: D-Type Datacube (GREEN)

Weight: 10kg

Enchantable: Yes

Tradeable: Yes

Sellable: Yes

Trashable: Yes

Warehouse: Enabled

Shared Warehouse: Enabled

Brigade Warehouse: Enabled

Description: A tetrahedron that glows green. There seems to be an unknown entity within it.

Item Level Gear
C-Type Datacube (GREEN) 1 All Gears
Item Level Gear
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Frigg 43 1 1 0.015%
Fungers 27 1 1 0.015%
Lucanose 30 1 1 0.015%
Hovernmus Guardian 29 1 1 0.015%
Trimus 47 1 1 0.015%
Meto 41 1 1 0.015%
Cruiser 25 1 1 0.015%
Blood Ammon 28 1 1 0.015%
Zennongers 26 1 1 0.015%
Felinoter 31 1 1 0.015%
Lucas 40 1 1 0.015%
Sandmall 25 1 1 0.015%
Sandrock 34 1 1 0.015%
Zanonvalder 28 1 1 0.015%
Horn Rock 37 1 1 0.015%
Warvalder 38 1 1 0.015%
Tyconmoth 38 1 1 0.015%
Beam Cutter 32 1 1 0.015%
Beam Interception 32 1 1 0.015%
Detect Guard 35 1 1 0.015%
Rocket Launcher 32 1 1 0.015%
Missile Launcher 37 1 1 0.015%
Rebel Machine Gun 30 1 1 0.015%
A-GEAR Early Type 34 1 1 0.015%
M-GEAR Early Type 35 1 1 0.015%
B-GEAR Early Type 37 1 1 0.015%
I-GEAR Early Type 39 1 1 0.015%
Redline Rocket Launcher 39 1 1 0.015%
Redline Machine Gun 39 1 1 0.015%
Base Bunker 39 1 1 0.015%
Redline Water Battery 39 1 1 0.015%
Hate Rock 25 1 1 0.015%
Aralion 35 1 1 0.015%
Shirne Acher 30 1 1 0.015%
Hell Flower 38 1 1 0.015%
Naros 36 1 1 0.015%
Ellos 39 1 1 0.015%
Gross 37 1 1 0.015%
Hell Lion 42 1 1 0.015%
Coffle 32 1 1 0.015%
Funkylance 30 1 1 0.015%
Valderlance 31 1 1 0.015%
Munitions Warehouse 30 1 1 0.015%
Joypeas 29 1 1 0.015%
Hovernpeas 30 1 1 0.015%
Cursestorm 43 1 1 0.015%
Valderside 30 1 1 0.015%
Fungerblues 30 1 1 0.015%
Pelliguarner 30 1 1 0.015%
Young Hornian Queen 38 1 1 0.015%
Square Large 31 1 1 0.015%
Tin Bat 32 1 1 0.015%
Cave Angler 33 1 1 0.015%
Water Tank Vessel 35 1 1 0.015%
Spear Fighter 40 1 1 0.015%
Driver 35 1 1 0.015%
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Surface Rebel 28 1 1 0.015%
Rebel Support 29 1 1 0.015%
Rebel Bomber 31 1 1 0.015%
Rebel Fighter 33 1 1 0.015%
Rebel Advance Base (Unconfirmed) 28 1 1 0.015%
Thor 25 1 1 0.015%
Thor 26 1 1 0.015%
Heavy Arms 39 1 1 0.015%
Mellog 37 1 1 0.015%
Excalibur 40 1 1 0.015%
Shooting Star 42 1 1 0.015%
Rocky 25 1 1 0.015%
Rocky 26 1 1 0.015%
Rocky 27 1 1 0.015%
Rocky 28 1 1 0.015%
Zennongers 27 1 1 0.015%
Zennongers 28 1 1 0.015%
Zennongers 29 1 1 0.015%
Zennongers 30 1 1 0.015%
Zennongers 26 1 1 0.015%
Blood Ammon 29 1 1 0.015%
Blood Ammon 30 1 1 0.015%
Blood Ammon 31 1 1 0.015%
Blood Ammon 32 1 1 0.015%
Blood Ammon 28 1 1 0.015%
Behemoth 30 1 1 0.015%
Fire Beetle 31 1 1 0.015%
Ghost 33 1 1 0.015%
Shabelle Tiger 36 1 1 0.015%
Dagon 38 1 1 0.015%
Bladewing 41 1 1 0.015%
Ellos 39 1 1 0.015%
Cursestorm 43 1 1 0.015%
Lucas 40 1 1 0.015%
Missile Launcher 40 1 1 0.015%
Ground to Air Cannon 41 1 1 0.015%
Sedius 37 1 1 0.015%
Clisuma 29 1 1 0.015%
Craptis 39 1 1 0.015%
Mellina 40 1 1 0.015%
Laneige 42 1 1 0.015%
Alpha-IX 41 1 1 0.015%
Osprey 43 1 1 0.015%
Osprey 43 1 1 0.015%
Vulture 41 1 1 0.015%
Sandrock 43 1 1 0.015%
Bigfish 42 1 1 0.015%
Sepaum 40 1 1 0.015%
Sandrock 43 1 1 0.015%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.015%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.015%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.015%
Rockelite 40 1 1 0.015%
Perry Messenger 35 1 1 0.015%
Frigg 43 1 1 0.015%
Element no.1 Element no.2 Element no.3 Element no.4 Element no.5 Cost Success Rate
E-Type Datacube (GREEN) (5x) N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 SPI 100%