Name: Surquince 8 Final Ver.II-A ['50]

Gear Type: All Gears

Requires Level: 50

Attack Stat: +20.00

Evasion Stat: +10.00

Weight: 30kg

Enchantable: Yes

Tradeable: Yes

Sellable: Yes

Trashable: Yes

Warehouse: Enabled

Shared Warehouse: Enabled

Brigade Warehouse: Enabled

Description: Most Powerful mass-produced CPU with the Surquince label. High offensive Power and mobility.

Item Level Gear
Item Level Gear
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Frigg 43 1 1 0.0066%
Trimus 47 1 1 0.0066%
Joymus 44 1 1 0.0066%
Cygnus 51 1 1 0.0066%
Meto 41 1 1 0.0066%
Lucas 40 1 1 0.0066%
Core Guard 50 1 1 0.0066%
Hornian Hunter 53 1 1 0.0089%
Hornian Spirit 55 1 1 0.0089%
Hornian Knight 57 1 1 0.0089%
Hell Lion 42 1 1 0.0066%
Hovernmus 49 1 1 0.0066%
Cursestorm 43 1 1 0.0066%
Spear Fighter 40 1 1 0.0066%
Unfinished Ordin 43 1 1 0.0066%
Excalibur 40 1 1 0.0066%
Shooting Star 42 1 1 0.0066%
Rebel Bomber 50 1 1 0.0022%
Rebel Fighter 50 1 1 0.0022%
Excalibur 50 1 1 0.0022%
Shooting Star 50 1 1 0.0022%
Dolphin 45 1 1 0.0066%
Bladewing 41 1 1 0.0066%
Surface Rebel 47 1 1 0.0066%
Rebel Support 48 1 1 0.0066%
Rebel Bomber 49 1 1 0.0066%
Rebel Fighter 50 1 1 0.0066%
Cursestorm 43 1 1 0.0066%
Lucas 40 1 1 0.0066%
Surface Rebel 51 1 1 0.0089%
Rebel Support 52 1 1 0.0089%
Rebel Bomber 53 1 1 0.0089%
Rebel Fighter 55 1 1 0.0089%
Heavy Arms 51 1 1 0.0089%
Mellog 52 1 1 0.0089%
Excalibur 53 1 1 0.0089%
Shooting Star 55 1 1 0.0089%
Missile Launcher 40 1 1 0.0066%
Ground to Air Cannon 41 1 1 0.0066%
Hornian Spirit 55 1 1 0.0089%
Hornian Knight 57 1 1 0.0089%
Merroling 59 1 1 0.0089%
Metanium 61 1 1 0.0089%
Vali 55 1 1 0.0089%
Dives 59 1 1 0.0089%
Regin 51 1 1 0.0089%
Veres 57 1 1 0.0089%
Laum 60 1 1 0.0089%
Joymus Slade 53 1 1 1%
Vali Plant 58 1 1 1%
Regin Gerard 55 1 1 1%
Mellina 40 1 1 0.0066%
Laneige 42 1 1 0.0066%
Alpha-IX 41 1 1 0.0066%
Osprey 43 1 1 0.0066%
Hipper Destroyer GX 46 1 1 0.0066%
Hipper Destroyer RQ 46 1 1 0.0066%
Hipper Destroyer TY 46 1 1 0.0066%
Nipar Launcher 49 1 1 0.0066%
Nipar Missile Launcher 45 1 1 0.0066%
Osprey 43 1 1 0.0066%
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Vulture 41 1 1 0.0066%
Sandrock 43 1 1 0.0066%
Bigfish 42 1 1 0.0066%
Sepaum 40 1 1 0.0066%
Sandrock 43 1 1 0.0066%
Highrock 45 1 1 0.0066%
Mecharock 46 1 1 0.0066%
Highrock 48 1 1 0.0066%
Condor 49 1 1 0.0066%
Highmecharock 50 1 1 0.0066%
Rockelite 52 1 1 0.0089%
Rock Emperor 55 1 1 1.5%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.0066%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.0066%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.0066%
Rockelite 40 1 1 0.0066%
Oannes 55 1 1 0.0089%
Roc 60 1 1 0.0089%
Feno Highmecharock 54 1 1 1%
Frigg 43 1 1 0.0066%
Ogryn 52 1 1 0.0089%
Scorlion 52 1 1 0.0089%
Brund Melin 53 1 1 0.0089%
Ksar 54 1 1 0.0089%
Erion 53 1 1 0.0089%
Phillon Scouter 52 1 1 0.0089%
Mega Naros 55 1 1 0.0089%
Mega Ellos 54 1 1 0.0089%
Mega Gross 56 1 1 0.0089%
Taimai 58 1 1 0.0089%
Guesper 57 1 1 0.0089%
Phillon Scouter 57 1 1 0.0089%
Norg 59 1 1 0.0089%
Gayla 58 1 1 0.0089%
Phillon Fighter 59 1 1 0.0089%
Spear 61 1 1 0.0089%
Rascal 62 1 1 0.0089%
Andro 60 1 1 0.0089%
Seifer 60 1 1 0.0089%
Heinous 60 1 1 0.0089%
Vatallus Scouter 62 1 1 0.0089%
Cegorach 52 1 1 0.0089%
Gorgon 52 1 1 0.0089%
Slayer 53 1 1 0.0089%
Elgryn 54 1 1 0.0089%
Servitor 53 1 1 0.0089%
Brute 53 1 1 0.0089%
Brute Piece 53 1 1 0.0089%
Erion 55 1 1 0.0089%
Seifer 55 1 1 0.0089%
Phillon Fighter 56 1 1 0.0089%
Norbanus 58 1 1 0.0089%
Dobarcon 58 1 1 0.0089%
Coco 59 1 1 0.0089%
Phillon Fighter 54 1 1 0.0089%
Anti-Ship Cannon 58 1 1 0.0089%
Anti-Ship Missile Cannon 58 1 1 0.0089%
Destroyer Cannon 57 1 1 0.0089%
Destroyer Missile Cannon 57 1 1 0.0089%
Andro 60 1 1 0.0089%