Name: Surveillance Radar

Gear Type: A-Gear

Requires Level: 1

Weight: 10kg

Lock-On Range (S): 1100m

Lock-On Range (S): 1000m

Object Sensing Radius: 1000m

Enchantable: Yes

Tradeable: Yes

Sellable: Yes

Trashable: Yes

Warehouse: Enabled

Shared Warehouse: Enabled

Brigade Warehouse: Enabled

Description: A-Gear only radar, made to monitor the movement of the enemy.

Item Level Gear
Item Level Gear
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Felinoter 31 1 1 0.1%
Lucas 40 1 1 0.1%
Sandrock 34 1 1 0.1%
Horn Rock 37 1 1 0.1%
Warvalder 38 1 1 0.1%
Tyconmoth 38 1 1 0.1%
Beam Cutter 32 1 1 0.1%
Beam Interception 32 1 1 0.1%
Detect Guard 35 1 1 0.1%
Rocket Launcher 32 1 1 0.1%
Missile Launcher 37 1 1 0.1%
A-GEAR Early Type 34 1 1 0.1%
M-GEAR Early Type 35 1 1 0.1%
B-GEAR Early Type 37 1 1 0.1%
I-GEAR Early Type 39 1 1 0.1%
Redline Rocket Launcher 39 1 1 0.1%
Redline Machine Gun 39 1 1 0.1%
Base Bunker 39 1 1 0.1%
Redline Water Battery 39 1 1 0.1%
Aralion 35 1 1 0.1%
Hell Flower 38 1 1 0.1%
Naros 36 1 1 0.1%
Ellos 39 1 1 0.1%
Gross 37 1 1 0.1%
Coffle 32 1 1 0.1%
Valderlance 31 1 1 0.1%
Young Hornian Queen 38 1 1 0.1%
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Square Large 31 1 1 0.1%
Tin Bat 32 1 1 0.1%
Cave Angler 33 1 1 0.1%
Water Tank Vessel 35 1 1 0.1%
Spear Fighter 40 1 1 0.1%
Driver 35 1 1 0.1%
Rebel Bomber 31 1 1 0.1%
Rebel Fighter 33 1 1 0.1%
Heavy Arms 39 1 1 0.1%
Mellog 37 1 1 0.1%
Excalibur 40 1 1 0.1%
Blood Ammon 31 1 1 0.1%
Blood Ammon 32 1 1 0.1%
Fire Beetle 31 1 1 0.1%
Ghost 33 1 1 0.1%
Shabelle Tiger 36 1 1 0.1%
Dagon 38 1 1 0.1%
Ellos 39 1 1 0.1%
Craptis 39 1 1 0.1%
Mellina 40 1 1 0.1%
Sepaum 40 1 1 0.1%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.1%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.1%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.1%
Rockelite 40 1 1 0.1%
Perry Messenger 35 1 1 0.1%
Element no.1 Element no.2 Element no.3 Element no.4 Element no.5 Cost Success Rate