Items - Quality of Life

  • Large overhaul of the item handling backend
  • The inventory and other lists will no longer be force scrolled up when items get added or removed
  • Added range based item selections! Like in windows explorer, you can now select over a range of items by holding the SHIFT button and clicking the first and last item to select between
    -- This is compatible with additional selections done by holding the CTRL button
    -- This is also compatible with having a previous selection and then selecting over a new range
    -- This is also possible on unique, legendary and enchanted items, but you will need to confirm the selections in a new prompt
  • It's now possible to reposition a selection of items in your inventory, not only one at a time
  • Fixed errors in the warehouse showing up twice sometimes
  • Fixed the warehouse scroll going way out of range when withdrawing many items
  • Improved network efficiency around item transactions and enchantments
  • WarPoints is the first selected payment or registration currency in the Trade Center now


  • Fixed a client crash related to pet sockets
  • Significantly improved server stability affected by database availability
  • Fixed several sever crashes
  • Fixed texts occasionally drawing weird vertical lines below them
  • Fixed item names without gambles having weird spacing
  • Fixed the CTRL button sometimes hanging on item selections
  • Fixed warehouses having one more item capacity as they should have
  • Fixed an addtional empty line showing on the inventory and warehouses when the items fit exactly all rows
Author Future
Published on 2018-12-09 23:57