You may speak english only in Warchat(^), Cross Nation chat(<), Leader Chat(*) and Trade Chat($). The International Chat(&) is the only dedicated chat for foreign languages. Multiple offenses will result in a chat mute.
Only 3 Accounts max on same network are allowed, ignoring of this rule will be tracked and punished. Only 1 account logged PER PLAYER during wars. Ignoring this rule can result in a ban of the buffbot/second account. You are allowed 2 accounts PER PLAYER on grinding.
Logging in multiple Gears in order to receive multiple rewards from events or give aways is forbidden and may cost you all of your rewards plus the account(s).
Macros/Buffbots in PvP and Macros in PvE are strictly forbidden and may result in the deletion of your gear/temporary ban. Macros or other methods for autogrinding are not allowed.
Account sharing is allowed, but any damage done or caused by account sharing is the player's own responsibility. We will not help you if you lose anything due to the actions of someone else on your account. Any rule breaking on this account, whether it be the original owner or not, will be punished without chance of being unbanned/muted.
Scams will be punished with a permanent ban. If you believe you are being scammed, or don't trust a person's offer be sure to take screenshots of the conversation so we can deal with it asap.