Name: Halloween Trick
Gear Type: All Gears
Requires Level: 1
Energy Repair: +1075.00
Unknown Param DES_RARE_FIX_NONE: 4
Enchantable: Yes
Tradeable: Yes
Sellable: Yes
Trashable: Yes
Warehouse: Enabled
Shared Warehouse: Enabled
Brigade Warehouse: Enabled
Description: Halloween energy kits are rumored to heal better. Cooldown : 3 Seconds *Can be used by low level PETS*
Item | Level | Gear |
Item | Level | Gear |
Monster | Level | Min. Count | Max. Count | Drop Chance |
Hallowidow | 120 | 20 | 50 | 90.9% |
Beer Cat | 110 | 5 | 20 | 2% |
Monster | Level | Min. Count | Max. Count | Drop Chance |
Beer Cat | 110 | 1 | 3 | 0.5% |
Element no.1 | Element no.2 | Element no.3 | Element no.4 | Element no.5 | Cost | Success Rate |