Name: Advanced Reat. Card

Gear Type: All Gears

Application Item: SkillAttack

Reattack time (Adv): -2.00%

Enchantable: No

Tradeable: Yes

Sellable: Yes

Trashable: Yes

Warehouse: Enabled

Shared Warehouse: Enabled

Brigade Warehouse: Enabled

Description: Enchant Card that decreases the Advanced Weapon's reload time.

Item Level Gear
[Tier 2] Chrome Orb [2/15] 1 All Gears
Item Level Gear
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Trimus 47 1 1 0.0129%
Joymus 44 1 1 0.0129%
Cygnus 51 1 1 0.0162%
Meto 41 1 1 0.0486%
Hornian Queen 55 1 2 8.3332%
Hornian Queen 55 1 2 8.3332%
Mountain Sage 66 1 2 24.9999%
Ordin 85 1 2 15%
Messenger 66 1 2 24.9999%
Egma 69 1 1 0.0088%
Egma Schill 72 1 2 49.9999%
I-GEAR Early Type 39 1 1 0.0194%
Prog. Military Base 45 1 2 1.2499%
Gross 37 1 1 0.0121%
Hornian King 62 1 2 6.2499%
Hornian Knight 57 1 1 0.059%
Hornian King 62 1 2 8.3333%
Valderlance 31 1 1 0.0194%
Hovernmus 49 1 1 0.0129%
Rebel Advance Base 45 1 2 0.8333%
Excalibur 40 1 1 0.0243%
Shooting Star 42 1 1 0.0243%
Hornian Knight 57 1 1 0.059%
Unfinished Ordin 45 1 2 0.8333%
Pathos 48 1 1 4.1666%
Shirne 52 1 1 4.1666%
Hornian Queen 55 1 2 8.3333%
Mountain Sage 62 1 2 8.3333%
Hornian King 65 1 2 8.3333%
Vali 55 1 1 0.0064%
Dives 59 1 1 0.0064%
Regin 51 1 1 0.0064%
Fllaro 65 1 1 0.0064%
Veres 57 1 1 0.0064%
Laum 60 1 1 0.0064%
Ground to Air Cannon 66 1 1 0.0064%
Missile Launcher 66 1 1 0.0064%
Cassini 63 1 1 0.0064%
Muspell 62 1 1 0.0064%
Lama 78 1 1 0.0108%
Alfen 70 1 1 0.0108%
Baldr 74 1 1 0.0108%
Remos 82 1 1 0.0108%
Seraph 77 1 1 0.0108%
Elliot 81 1 1 0.0108%
Helius 79 1 1 0.0108%
Beam Guard 76 1 1 0.0048%
Missile Launcher 76 1 1 0.0048%
Rocket Launcher 74 1 1 0.0048%
Rocket Launcher 74 1 1 0.0048%
Beam Guard 76 1 1 0.0048%
Missile Launcher 76 1 1 0.0048%
Rocket Launcher 74 1 1 0.0048%
Egma 75 1 1 0.0088%
Skadi 85 1 2 15%
Lord Kreacia 110 1 1 0.0027%
Gigantic God 90 1 2 7.5%
Spider Guard 78 1 1 0.0048%
Lilith 81 1 1 0.0081%
Bipin 83 1 1 0.0081%
Vito 79 1 1 0.0081%
Salamander 86 1 1 0.0081%
Garp 90 1 1 0.0081%
Fate 88 1 1 0.0081%
Bishop Blue 97 2 4 15%
Bishop Black 97 2 4 15%
Bishop Red 97 2 4 15%
Lilith (Black Box) 81 1 1 0.0081%
Lilith (Course Data) 81 1 1 0.0081%
Griph 92 1 1 0.0081%
Grang Griph 94 1 1 0.0081%
Sekhmete 100 1 2 18%
Shabelle Tiger Gray 41 2 4 0.5%
Metal Driver 40 2 4 0.5%
Warvalder Zaid 43 1 1 0.5%
Cursestorm Weber 48 1 1 0.5%
Ellos Kyan 43 1 1 0.5%
Naros Kyan 41 2 4 0.5%
Gross Kyan 42 1 1 0.5%
Hell Flower Devil 43 1 1 0.5%
Trimus Slade 49 1 1 0.5%
Joymus Slade 53 1 1 0.5%
Hovernmus Slade 54 1 1 0.5%
Cygnus Rain 56 1 1 0.5%
Leuc Merroling 63 1 1 0.6666%
Metanium Manes 65 1 1 0.2857%
Raum Chrystar 66 1 1 0.2857%
Caon Heavy Messenger 69 1 1 0.2857%
Schill Interceptor Clon 70 1 1 0.2857%
Shilling Egma 74 1 1 0.2857%
Schill Interceptor Hush 77 1 1 0.2857%
Egma Voltin 79 1 1 0.2857%
Bellen Vito 84 1 1 0.2857%
Shelob Lilith 85 1 2 0.2857%
Darnell Bipin 87 1 1 0.2857%
Brog Salamander 91 1 1 0.2857%
Carroin Fate 93 1 1 0.2857%
Garp Blepas 95 1 1 0.2857%
Vali Plant 58 1 1 0.2857%
Dives Blooper 63 1 1 0.2857%
Regin Gerard 55 1 1 0.2857%
Fllaro Gusion 69 1 1 0.2857%
Veres Fronze 61 1 1 0.2857%
Laum Nuat 64 1 1 0.2857%
Togr Cassini 68 1 1 0.2857%
Muspell Kartin 66 1 1 0.2857%
Lama Aster 81 1 1 0.2857%
Alfen Petrie 74 1 1 0.2857%
Baldr Cruz 77 1 1 0.2857%
Remos Noid 86 1 1 0.2857%
Seraph Holin 81 1 1 0.2857%
Elliot Squall 85 1 1 0.2857%
Helious Rabi 84 1 1 0.2857%
Nipar Bridge 52 1 1 6.2499%
Frigg Sitri 47 1 1 0.5%
Selick Craptis 42 2 4 0.5%
Mellina Noble 44 1 1 0.5%
Laneige Gast 47 1 1 0.5%
Iron Osprey 48 1 1 0.5%
Sedius Dian 41 2 4 0.5%
Dagon Zepar 42 2 4 0.5%
Robben Spear Fighter 44 1 1 0.5%
Bigfish 42 1 1 0.0139%
Highrock 45 1 1 0.0371%
Gryphon 50 1 2 2.4999%
Highrock 48 1 1 0.0129%
Condor 49 1 1 0.0129%
Highmecharock 50 1 1 0.0129%
Rockelite 52 1 1 0.0129%
Rock Emperor 55 1 1 0.4285%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.0088%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.0097%
Babyrock 40 1 1 0.0088%
Rockelite 40 1 1 0.0097%
Quetzalcoatl 46 1 2 2.4999%
Oannes 55 1 1 0.0048%
Roc 60 1 1 0.0048%
Sepaum Lek 44 1 1 0.5%
Bigfish Retton 47 1 1 0.5%
Sandrock Canhel 48 1 1 0.5%
Highrock Silky 50 1 1 0.5%
Mecharock Hogg 50 1 1 0.5%
Feno Highmecharock 54 1 1 0.5%
Rockelite Ophion 56 1 1 0.5%
Rock Emperor 55 1 1 0.5%
Garp 90 1 1 0.0081%
Energy Core 51 1 1 6.2499%
Graim 96 1 1 0.0081%
Spider Guard 93 1 1 0.0081%
Griph Typhon 95 1 1 0.2857%
Enki Grang Griph 97 1 1 0.2857%
Graim Oberon 99 1 1 0.2857%
Seifer 83 1 1 0.0043%
Heinous 83 1 1 0.0043%
Rascal 83 1 1 0.0043%
Vatallus Scouter 80 1 1 0.0032%
Phillon Fighter 80 1 1 0.004%
Taimai 79 1 1 0.004%
Guardian of Vatallus 89 1 2 8.625%
Echelon 85 1 2 17.25%
Mega Gross 76 1 1 0.0243%
Guesper 80 1 1 0.004%
Norg 78 1 1 0.004%
Gayla 79 1 1 0.004%
Black Widow 81 1 2 17.25%
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Spear 82 1 1 0.0043%
Andro 85 1 1 0.0043%
Phillon Fighter 75 1 1 0.0162%
Essen Norbanus 85 1 2 0.2857%
Belge Dobarcon 84 1 1 0.2857%
Venta Coco 85 1 2 0.2857%
Zikin Seifer 88 1 1 0.2857%
Herning Heinous 88 1 1 0.2857%
Herning Heinous 88 1 1 0.2857%
Hera Ksar 78 1 1 0.2857%
Heart Rascal 88 1 1 0.2857%
Heart Rascal 88 1 1 0.2857%
Phi Vatallus Scouter 85 1 2 0.2857%
Phi Vatallus Scouter 85 1 2 0.2857%
Leva Phillon Fighter 85 1 2 0.2857%
Leva Phillon Fighter 85 1 2 0.2857%
Phipe Taimai 84 1 1 0.2857%
Phipe Taimai 84 1 1 0.2857%
Deve Serviter 75 1 1 0.2857%
Deli Gorgon 77 1 1 0.2857%
Bakha Ogryn 76 1 1 0.2857%
Tana Slayer 78 1 1 0.2857%
Mega Naros 80 1 1 0.2857%
Mega Elos 79 1 1 0.2857%
Mega Gross 81 1 1 0.2857%
Free Quintis 91 1 1 0.2857%
Brute Ska 78 1 1 0.2857%
Rande Brund Melin 78 1 1 0.2857%
Mejo Guesper 85 1 2 0.2857%
Mejo Guesper 85 1 2 0.2857%
Forte Norg 83 1 1 0.2857%
Forte Norg 83 1 1 0.2857%
Elche Gayla 84 1 1 0.2857%
Elche Gayla 84 1 1 0.2857%
Allen Spear 87 1 1 0.2857%
Allen Spear 87 1 1 0.2857%
Alfi Andro 90 1 1 0.2857%
Alfi Andro 90 1 1 0.2857%
Tess Tart 91 1 1 0.2857%
Nicol Qart 91 1 1 0.2857%
Zeno Spear 92 1 1 0.2857%
Hypermall Lina 93 1 1 0.2857%
Deus V-Viper 91 1 1 0.2857%
S-Viper Macro 92 1 1 0.2857%
Beke C-Viper 93 1 1 0.2857%
Pora J-Viper 94 1 1 0.2857%
Teus Erion 79 1 1 0.2857%
Rodea Seifer 81 1 1 0.2857%
Kaouch Cegorach 76 1 1 0.2857%
Katalin Erion 77 1 1 0.2857%
Kabo Phillon Scouter 76 1 1 0.2857%
Kabo Phillon Scouter 76 1 1 0.2857%
Zess Andro 90 1 1 0.2857%
Pus Scorlion 75 1 1 0.2857%
Leon Elgryn 76 1 1 0.2857%
Force Phillon Fighter 80 1 1 0.2857%
Revolde Queen 94 1 1 0.0032%
Simpler 91 1 1 0.0032%
Figarella 92 1 1 0.0032%
Arcaous 92 1 1 0.0032%
Eminos 91 1 1 0.0032%
Cartinese 92 1 1 0.0032%
Uruk 91 1 1 0.0032%
V-Vipera 95 1 1 0.0032%
S-Vipera 95 1 1 0.0032%
C-Vipera 96 1 1 0.0032%
J-Vipera 96 1 1 0.0032%
Corinium 99 1 1 0.0032%
Denes 99 1 1 0.0032%
Gaia 98 1 1 0.0032%
Baraka 99 1 1 0.0032%
Kirkuk 101 1 1 0.0032%
Hate 100 1 1 0.0032%
Ion Cannon 102 1 1 0.0032%
Nano Rocket Launcher 100 1 1 0.0032%
Infected Egma 75 1 1 0.0162%
Infected Interceptor 75 1 1 0.0162%
Bishop Green 97 2 4 15%
RM-230 110 1 2 7.5%
Dual Gaia 103 1 1 0.0032%
Corinium X 101 1 1 0.0032%
Hate X 102 1 1 0.0032%
Barraca X 101 1 1 0.0032%
Denes X 101 1 1 0.0032%
Kasa 98 1 1 0.0027%
Ignis 96 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Research Probe 102 1 1 0.0027%
Scavenger 105 1 1 0.0027%
Uruk 103 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Supply Ship 105 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Scout 105 1 1 0.0027%
Eater 106 2 4 15%
Flame Messenger 100 1 1 0.0027%
Mighty Shirne 100 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Egma Schill 100 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Ordin 100 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Rock Emperor 100 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Skadi 100 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Kirkuk 95 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Bipin 95 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Lilith 95 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Vito 95 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Bishop Blue 100 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Bishop Black 100 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Bishop Red 100 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Calzaghe 100 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Quintis 95 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Corinium 95 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Hate 95 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Baraka 95 1 1 0.0032%
Mighty Denes 95 1 1 0.0032%
Guardian of the Phillon 110 1 1 0.0027%
Kasa 98 1 1 0.0027%
Ignis 96 1 1 0.0027%
Ignis 96 1 1 0.0027%
NGC B-GEAR 107 1 1 0.0027%
NGC I-GEAR 107 1 1 0.0027%
NGC I-2 Gear 110 1 1 0.0027%
NGC M-GEAR 107 1 1 0.0027%
NGC A-GEAR 107 1 1 0.0027%
Sand Dragon 104 1 1 0.0027%
Infected Organism 105 1 1 0.0027%
Death Worm 107 2 4 15.75%
Marine Transport 106 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Machine Gun 106 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Mothership 110 2 4 16.5%
Summoned Ordin 99 1 1 0.0027%
Summoned Hornian King 99 1 1 0.0027%
Summoned Rock Emperor 99 1 1 0.0027%
Summoned Gryphon 99 1 1 0.0027%
Summoned Echelon 97 1 1 0.0027%
Summoned Carrier 97 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Ground Drone 106 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Military Turret 106 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Scout Drone 107 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Scouter 108 1 1 0.0027%
Blood Crystal 85 1 1 0.0108%
Research Probe 86 1 1 0.0108%
Advanced Caim 85 1 1 0.0108%
Phillon Juggernaut 86 1 1 0.0108%
Overlord-01 109 2 4 17.25%
NGC Missile Turret 107 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Missile Guard 107 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Beam Guard 107 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Calcani 109 2 4 17.25%
NGC Messenger 110 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Secret Cannon 108 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Rascal 108 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Missile Scout 108 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Juggernaut 110 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Sporty 109 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Kirkuk 110 1 1 0.0027%
Bishop Orange 97 2 4 15%
NGC Radar 106 1 1 0.0027%
Saleos 110 2 4 18%
NGC Hornian 108 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Gorgon 107 1 1 0.0027%
Tetzlica 111 2 4 18.75%
NGC NTK 111 1 1 0.0027%
Ancient Rascal 110 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Missile Turret 111 1 1 0.0027%
NGC Super Coil 112 1 1 0.0027%
Overhead Completion 112 2 4 19.5%
Azimuth 102 1 2 17.25%
Element no.1 Element no.2 Element no.3 Element no.4 Element no.5 Cost Success Rate
DNA Core (3x) High Purity Catalyst (5x) High Purity Zircon Ore (10x) Keil Edcanium (1x) Tin Edcanium (2x) 5038 SPI 100%