Name: Essen Norbanus

Level: 85

Life: 28.059 HP

Speed: 30 m/s

Attack Range: 2.444 m

Regen: 69 HP/s

Full Regen Time: 407 s

Experience: 14.000 XP

Item Level Gear Minimum Count Maximum Count Drop Chance
SPI 1 All Gears 184 554 100%
Standard Attack Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.2857%
Advanced Attack Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.2857%
Standard Reat. Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.2857%
Advanced Reat. Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.2857%
Standard Weight Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.2857%
Demon Hunter Devil Mk. III 76 All Gears 1 1 5%
Advanced Weight Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.2857%
Standard Time Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.2857%
C-Type Condensed Energy Kit 1 All Gears 3 10 33.3333%
C-Type Condensed Shield Kit 1 All Gears 3 10 33.3333%
B-Type Condensed Energy Kit 1 All Gears 3 7 33.3333%
B-Type Condensed Shield Kit 1 All Gears 3 7 33.3333%
A-Type Condensed Energy Kit 1 All Gears 3 7 33.3333%
A-Type Condensed Shield Kit 1 All Gears 3 7 33.3333%
Big Mount V10 76 All Gears 1 1 5%
Hyper Energy Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Hyper Energy/Shield Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Hyper Shield Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Search Eye 1 All Gears 1 5 10.1%
Hyper Adv. Attack Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Hyper Std. Reat. Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Hyper Adv. Reat. Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Hyper Std. Accuracy Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Hyper Adv. Accuracy Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Hyper Std. Attack Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Elite Skill Opening Card 1 All Gears 1 1 0.3%
Special Skill Opening Card 1 All Gears 1 1 0.3%
Power Brain FAII ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Power Brain FAQ ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Power Brain CD-99A ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Power Brain ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Power Brain CC ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Surquince X GR ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Surquince X GP ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Surquince X SP ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Thunderforce Speed-01 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Thunderforce Speed-02 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Thunderforce Speed-03 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Artemis Zone Type G1 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Artemis Zone Type G2 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Artemis Zone Type G3 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Power Brain Org ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.1666%
Eurostar XXIX ['85] 85 All Gears 1 1 1.6666%
Jet XXIX ['85] 85 All Gears 1 1 1.6666%
Accounter-M XXIX ['85] 85 All Gears 1 1 1.6666%
Accounter-A XXIX ['85] 85 All Gears 1 1 1.6666%
Gematria Scripture 1 All Gears 1 1 0.8833%
Seraphim Bible 1 All Gears 1 1 0.8833%
Soul of Laplace 1 All Gears 1 3 1.55%
Metamorphose Mixture 1 All Gears 1 3 1.55%
Armor Defense Card 1 All Gears 1 1 0.17%
Armor Evasion Card 1 All Gears 1 1 0.17%
Hyper Std. Pierce Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Hyper Adv. Pierce Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Hyper Defense Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.74%
Hyper Evasion Card 1 All Gears 1 2 0.417%
5 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1875%
50 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1406%
100 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 0.0937%
Fragment of a Red Token 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Gold Coin 1 All Gears 15 29 10%