Name: Thunderforce Speed-03 ['80]

Gear Type: All Gears

Requires Level: 80

Defense Stat: +14.00

Spirit Stat: +10.00

Shield Stat: +36.00

Weight: 80kg

Enchantable: Yes

Tradeable: Yes

Sellable: Yes

Trashable: Yes

Warehouse: Enabled

Shared Warehouse: Enabled

Brigade Warehouse: Enabled

Description: Highly Advanced product of Blue Core Co. Ltd. Shield was the primary focus of the research that went into this product.

Item Level Gear
Item Level Gear
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Egma Schill 72 1 1 3.5713%
Lama 78 1 1 0.0004%
Baldr 74 1 1 0.0004%
Remos 82 1 1 0.0002%
Seraph 77 1 1 0.0004%
Elliot 81 1 1 0.0002%
Helius 79 1 1 0.0004%
Beam Guard 76 1 1 0.0004%
Missile Launcher 76 1 1 0.0004%
Rocket Launcher 74 1 1 0.0004%
Rocket Launcher 74 1 1 0.0004%
Beam Guard 76 1 1 0.0004%
Missile Launcher 76 1 1 0.0004%
Rocket Launcher 74 1 1 0.0004%
Schill Interceptor 73 1 1 0.0004%
Egma 75 1 1 0.0004%
Spider Guard 78 1 1 0.0004%
Lilith 81 1 1 0.0002%
Bipin 83 1 1 0.0002%
Vito 79 1 1 0.0004%
Salamander 86 1 1 0.0002%
Garp 90 1 1 0.0002%
Fate 88 1 1 0.0002%
Lilith (Black Box) 81 1 1 0.0002%
Lilith (Course Data) 81 1 1 0.0002%
Griph 92 1 1 0.0002%
Grang Griph 94 1 1 0.0002%
Bellen Vito 84 1 1 0.3333%
Shelob Lilith 85 1 1 0.1666%
Darnell Bipin 87 1 1 0.1666%
Lama Aster 81 1 1 0.3333%
Remos Noid 86 1 1 0.3333%
Seraph Holin 81 1 1 0.3333%
Elliot Squall 85 1 1 0.3333%
Helious Rabi 84 1 1 0.3333%
Garp 90 1 1 0.0002%
Graim 96 1 1 0.0002%
Spider Guard 93 1 1 0.0002%
Erion 72 1 1 0.0004%
Phillon Scout Guard 71 1 1 0.0004%
Anti Ship Cannon 76 1 1 0.0004%
Anti Ship Missile Cannon 74 1 1 0.0004%
Destroyer Cannon 74 1 1 0.0004%
Destroyer Missile Cannon 74 1 1 0.0004%
Norbanus 80 1 1 0.0004%
Dobarcon 79 1 1 0.0004%
Coco 80 1 1 0.0004%
Seifer 83 1 1 0.0002%
Heinous 83 1 1 0.0002%
Ksar 73 1 1 0.0004%
Rascal 83 1 1 0.0002%
Vatallus Scouter 80 1 1 0.0004%
Cannon Tower 75 1 1 0.0004%
Missile Cannon Tower 70 1 1 0.0004%
Phillon Fighter 80 1 1 0.0004%
Taimai 79 1 1 0.0004%
Servitor 70 1 1 0.0004%
Gorgon 72 1 1 0.0004%
Ogryn 71 1 1 0.0004%
Slayer 73 1 1 0.0004%
Mega Naros 75 1 1 0.0004%
Mega Ellos 74 1 1 0.0004%
Mega Gross 76 1 1 0.0004%
Quintis 86 1 1 0.0002%
Brute 73 1 1 0.0004%
Brute Piece 72 1 1 0.0004%
Brund Melin 73 1 1 0.0004%
Necro 70 1 1 0.0004%
Guesper 80 1 1 0.0004%
Norg 78 1 1 0.0004%
Gayla 79 1 1 0.0004%
Black Widow 81 1 1 0.0573%
Spear 82 1 1 0.0002%
Andro 85 1 1 0.0002%
Tart 86 1 1 0.0002%
Qart 86 1 1 0.0002%
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Spear 87 1 1 0.0002%
Hypermall 88 1 1 0.0002%
V-Viper 86 1 1 0.0002%
S-Viper 87 1 1 0.0002%
C-Viper 88 1 1 0.0002%
J-Viper 89 1 1 0.0002%
Necro 75 1 1 0.0004%
Brund Melin 75 1 1 0.0004%
Seifer 76 1 1 0.0004%
Cegorach 71 1 1 0.0004%
Brund Melin 71 1 1 0.0004%
Ksar 71 1 1 0.0004%
Erion 70 1 1 0.0004%
Phillon Scouter 71 1 1 0.0004%
Scorlion 70 1 1 0.0004%
Elgryn 71 1 1 0.0004%
Phillon Fighter 75 1 1 0.0004%
Erion 74 1 1 0.0004%
Vatallus Scouter 76 1 1 0.0004%
Andro 85 1 1 0.0002%
Essen Norbanus 85 1 1 0.1666%
Belge Dobarcon 84 1 1 0.3333%
Venta Coco 85 1 1 0.1666%
Zikin Seifer 88 1 1 0.1666%
Herning Heinous 88 1 1 0.1666%
Herning Heinous 88 1 1 0.1666%
Heart Rascal 88 1 1 0.1666%
Heart Rascal 88 1 1 0.1666%
Phi Vatallus Scouter 85 1 1 0.1666%
Phi Vatallus Scouter 85 1 1 0.1666%
Leva Phillon Fighter 85 1 1 0.1666%
Leva Phillon Fighter 85 1 1 0.1666%
Phipe Taimai 84 1 1 0.3333%
Phipe Taimai 84 1 1 0.3333%
Mega Naros 80 1 1 0.3333%
Mega Elos 79 1 1 0.3333%
Mega Gross 81 1 1 0.3333%
Mejo Guesper 85 1 1 0.1666%
Mejo Guesper 85 1 1 0.1666%
Forte Norg 83 1 1 0.3333%
Forte Norg 83 1 1 0.3333%
Elche Gayla 84 1 1 0.3333%
Elche Gayla 84 1 1 0.3333%
Allen Spear 87 1 1 0.1666%
Allen Spear 87 1 1 0.1666%
Rodea Seifer 81 1 1 0.3333%
Force Phillon Fighter 80 1 1 0.3333%
Revolde Queen 94 1 1 0.0003%
Simpler 91 1 1 0.0003%
Arcaous 92 1 1 0.0003%
Eminos 91 1 1 0.0003%
Cartinese 92 1 1 0.0003%
Uruk 91 1 1 0.0003%
V-Vipera 95 1 1 0.0003%
S-Vipera 95 1 1 0.0003%
C-Vipera 96 1 1 0.0003%
J-Vipera 96 1 1 0.0003%
Corinium 99 1 1 0.0003%
Denes 99 1 1 0.0003%
Gaia 98 1 1 0.0003%
Baraka 99 1 1 0.0003%
Kirkuk 101 1 1 0.0003%
Hate 100 1 1 0.0003%
Ion Cannon 102 1 1 0.0003%
Nano Rocket Launcher 100 1 1 0.0003%
Dual Gaia 103 1 1 0.0003%
Corinium X 101 1 1 0.0003%
Hate X 102 1 1 0.0003%
Barraca X 101 1 1 0.0003%
Denes X 101 1 1 0.0003%
Blood Crystal 85 1 1 0.0004%
Research Probe 86 1 1 0.0004%
Advanced Caim 85 1 1 0.0004%
Phillon Juggernaut 86 1 1 0.0004%
Azimuth 102 1 1 0.0573%
Element no.1 Element no.2 Element no.3 Element no.4 Element no.5 Cost Success Rate