Name: Phillon Scout Guard

Level: 71

Life: 6.015 HP

Speed: 200 m/s

Attack Range: 1.800 m

Regen: 34 HP/s

Full Regen Time: 179 s

Experience: 2.502 XP

Item Level Gear Minimum Count Maximum Count Drop Chance
Fragment of a Gamble Capsule 1 All Gears 7 15 0.75%
SPI 1 All Gears 265 797 80%
Tisten Ore 1 All Gears 1 1 0.7276%
Tasinon Ore 1 All Gears 1 1 0.7981%
Halfnium Ore 1 All Gears 1 1 0.8802%
Zircon Ore 1 All Gears 1 1 0.7511%
Henium Ore 1 All Gears 1 1 0.9154%
Netine Ore 1 All Gears 1 1 0.2582%
Molden Ore 1 All Gears 1 1 0.6924%
Megaton Twintail 64 All Gears 1 1 0.1455%
Impossible Twintail 69 All Gears 1 1 0.0848%
Air Drum 67 All Gears 1 1 0.1091%
Demon Hunter Devil Mk. I 66 All Gears 1 1 0.1212%
Demon Hunter Devil Mk. II 71 All Gears 1 1 0.0606%
Brainwave Stabilization Equipment 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1333%
Catalyst 1 All Gears 1 1 1.9999%
Energy Pack 1 All Gears 1 1 3.3333%
Chip 1 All Gears 1 1 0.5%
Energy Tank 1 All Gears 1 1 0.5%
Generating Board 1 All Gears 1 1 0.5%
Shield Battery 1 All Gears 1 1 0.5%
Refined Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1333%
Refined Moissanite 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1333%
Refined Acrylic Steel 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1333%
Bate Mk. VIIII 63 All Gears 1 1 0.1576%
Bate Serpent 68 All Gears 1 1 0.097%
Blast Ciolgun 63 All Gears 1 1 0.1576%
Blast VEII 71 All Gears 1 1 0.0606%
Supreme V10 64 All Gears 1 1 0.1455%
Supreme V11 69 All Gears 1 1 0.0848%
Big Mount V8 66 All Gears 1 1 0.1212%
Big Mount V9 71 All Gears 1 1 0.0606%
Jackhammer V10 66 All Gears 1 1 0.1212%
Jackhammer V11 71 All Gears 1 1 0.0606%
Arc Idle Jin 63 All Gears 1 1 0.1576%
Crawler Idle Jin 68 All Gears 1 1 0.097%
Brine Mega Drive 63 All Gears 1 1 0.1576%
Micro Mega Drive 68 All Gears 1 1 0.097%
Eye Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1353%
Keil Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1353%
Leon Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1353%
Aimaam Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1353%
Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 1 2.0821%
Moissanite 1 All Gears 1 1 2.0821%
Strong Moissanite 1 All Gears 1 1 0.3677%
Soft Moissanite 1 All Gears 1 1 0.3677%
Acrylic Steel 1 All Gears 1 1 2.0938%
Carbon Steel 1 All Gears 1 1 0.0852%
Chrome 1 All Gears 1 1 0.289%
Shine Titanium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.0852%
Titanium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.3494%
Metal Cadmium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.0852%
Cadmium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.455%
Magnesium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.2673%
Nickel 1 All Gears 1 1 0.4081%
Zirconium 1 All Gears 1 1 0.3964%
Zirconium Steel Green 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1704%
Zirconium Metal Blue 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1704%
Silver 1 All Gears 1 1 0.5724%
Iron 1 All Gears 1 1 2.2388%
Soft Iron 1 All Gears 1 1 0.0852%
Tungsten 1 All Gears 1 1 0.3729%
Copper 1 All Gears 1 1 0.6546%
Aluminum 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1716%
Wingo Waltz Format 4A ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Wingo Waltz Format 4B ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Wingo Jazz Format 4C ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Wingo Jazz Format S ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Wingo ZS-08 ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Wingo ZS-09 ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Tune Square PS R-1B ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Tune Square CD-75A ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Tune Square L-A ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Power Brain OGS ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Power Brain OTS ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Power Brain ORS ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Prelude 8001 AQ ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Prelude 9001 FRD ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Prelude Final ['70] 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Power Brain FAII ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Power Brain FAQ ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Power Brain CD-99A ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Power Brain ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Power Brain CC ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Surquince X GR ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Surquince X GP ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Surquince X SP ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Thunderforce Speed-01 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Thunderforce Speed-02 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Thunderforce Speed-03 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Artemis Zone Type G1 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Artemis Zone Type G2 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Artemis Zone Type G3 ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Power Brain Org ['80] 80 All Gears 1 1 0.0004%
Mr. XXV ['71] 71 All Gears 1 1 0.0047%
Base XXV ['71] 71 All Gears 1 1 0.0047%
Turbulence XXV ['71] 71 All Gears 1 1 0.0047%
S-Rod XXV ['71] 71 All Gears 1 1 0.0047%
Big Smash V4 65 All Gears 1 1 0.04%
Bravo Heat 67 All Gears 1 1 0.0327%
5 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 0.375%
50 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 0.2812%
100 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1875%
Fragment of a Red Token 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
New Guard II 63 All Gears 1 1 0.1576%
Guard Ace II 68 All Gears 1 1 0.097%
Heart Terol 63 All Gears 1 1 0.1576%
Sniper Terol 68 All Gears 1 1 0.097%
Tongpha Delta 68 All Gears 1 1 0.097%
Gate Edrill 65 All Gears 1 1 0.1333%
Edrill Tactics 69 All Gears 1 1 0.0848%
Hawky 64 All Gears 1 1 0.1455%
Bawoo Acid 70 All Gears 1 1 0.0145%
Arrow Reach 67 All Gears 1 1 0.0327%
Hammerhead Viper 68 All Gears 1 1 0.0291%