Name: Thor

Level: 22

Life: 885 HP

Speed: 180 m/s

Attack Range: 1.020 m

Regen: 2 HP/s

Full Regen Time: 553 s

Experience: 246 XP

Item Level Gear Minimum Count Maximum Count Drop Chance
Fragment of a Gamble Capsule 1 All Gears 1 3 0.5%
SPI 1 All Gears 52 158 80%
Blast 15 All Gears 1 1 0.3557%
Taillus 16 All Gears 1 1 0.3261%
Medium Type Tail 19 All Gears 1 1 0.2371%
Tailcas 22 All Gears 1 1 0.1482%
Sprinters 18 All Gears 1 1 0.2668%
Medium Type Sprint 21 All Gears 1 1 0.1778%
Lancerlus 17 All Gears 1 1 0.2964%
Lancerjob 20 All Gears 1 1 0.2075%
Improved Jin 18 All Gears 1 1 0.2668%
Thunder Guard Mk. III 16 All Gears 1 1 0.3261%
MagicThunder Mk. IV 19 All Gears 1 1 0.2371%
MagicThunder Mk. V 22 All Gears 1 1 0.1482%
Twin Launcher Semi Armor Version 18 All Gears 1 1 0.2668%
Twin Launcher Upgrade 21 All Gears 1 1 0.1778%
Mega Drive Mk. III 18 All Gears 1 1 0.2668%
Catalyst 1 All Gears 1 1 1.9999%
Energy Pack 1 All Gears 1 1 3.3333%
Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 1 2.0821%
Moissanite 1 All Gears 1 1 2.0821%
Acrylic Steel 1 All Gears 1 1 2.0938%
Chrome 1 All Gears 1 1 0.7337%
Titanium 1 All Gears 1 1 2.3479%
Nickel 1 All Gears 1 1 2.3479%
Iron 1 All Gears 1 1 1.8523%
Tungsten 1 All Gears 1 1 2.3479%
Copper 1 All Gears 1 1 2.3479%
Aluminum 1 All Gears 1 1 0.7337%
Thunderforce 4 FA34 ['20] 20 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Power Brain No.1S ['20] 20 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Power Brain No.1L ['20] 20 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Tenpole Line 6 DDE ['20] 20 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Tenpole Line 6 HRE ['20] 20 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Wingo ATC-A1 ['20] 20 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Wingo ZS-03 ['20] 20 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Surquince 7 ODR ['20] 20 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Surquince 7 SDR ['20] 20 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Thunderforce 5 Kn.1 ['30] 30 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Thunderforce 5 Kn.3 ['30] 30 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Power Brain No.3WL ['30] 30 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Power Brain No.3 DRO ['30] 30 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Tune Square PS L-11 ['30] 30 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Prelude 4001VF ['30] 30 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Tenpole Line 7 SPS ['30] 30 All Gears 1 1 0.042%
Eagle Radar 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1%
Medium Range Interception Radar 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1%
Radar Code-G 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1%
Radar Code-H 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1%
Blue Ion Radar 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1%
Mr. X ['22] 22 All Gears 1 1 0.2223%
Base X ['22] 22 All Gears 1 1 0.2223%
Turbulence X ['22] 22 All Gears 1 1 0.2223%
S-Rod X ['22] 22 All Gears 1 1 0.2223%
E-Type Datacube (RED) 1 All Gears 1 1 0.02%
E-Type Datacube (GREEN) 1 All Gears 1 1 0.02%
E-Type Datacube (YELLOW) 1 All Gears 1 1 0.02%
E-Type Datacube (BLUE) 1 All Gears 1 1 0.02%
E-Type Datacube (PURPLE) 1 All Gears 1 1 0.02%
E-Type Datacube (BROWN) 1 All Gears 1 1 0.02%
5 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1875%
50 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 0.1406%
100 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 0.0937%
Fragment of a Red Token 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Hercules 18 All Gears 1 1 0.2668%
Plus Mosquito 16 All Gears 1 1 0.3261%
High Holy Cross 21 All Gears 1 1 0.1778%
Arrow Begin 17 All Gears 1 1 0.2964%
Some Arrow 22 All Gears 1 1 0.1482%
Hammerhead Beta 19 All Gears 1 1 0.2371%
Tongpha Alpha 20 All Gears 1 1 0.2075%
Snipe X 19 All Gears 1 1 0.2371%
Guard IV 18 All Gears 1 1 0.2668%
Terol Beta 16 All Gears 1 1 0.3261%
Terol Gamma 21 All Gears 1 1 0.1778%
Bawoo 20 All Gears 1 1 0.2075%