Name: SPI

Gear Type: All Gears

Requires Level: 1

Enchantable: Yes

Tradeable: Yes

Sellable: No

Trashable: Yes

Warehouse: Enabled

Shared Warehouse: Enabled

Brigade Warehouse: Enabled

Description: Unit of currency used in Chrome Rivals.

Item Level Gear
Item Level Gear
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Hornian 9 32 98 100%
Ammon 18 45 137 80%
Tetino 21 50 152 80%
Cluster Shum 16 42 127 80%
Mall 7 30 91 100%
Curseflash 22 52 158 80%
Cursestunner 8 31 94 100%
Frigg 43 88 265 80%
Fungers 27 62 188 80%
Rocky 24 56 169 80%
Lucanose 30 68 205 80%
Hovernmus Guardian 29 67 201 80%
Trimus 47 90 270 80%
Joymus 44 95 287 80%
Scout 20 49 147 80%
Thor 22 52 158 80%
Cygnus 51 103 310 80%
Valder 11 35 106 80%
Flyseed 5 28 84 100%
Nating 10 34 102 80%
Pepo 1 23 71 100%
Meto 41 85 255 80%
Melling 20 49 147 80%
Watcher 2 24 74 100%
Umbrella 1 23 71 100%
Overwatcher 6 29 87 100%
Sporty 19 47 142 80%
Hornian Queen 55 10100 30500 100%
Hornian Queen 55 10100 30500 100%
Large 14 39 118 80%
Sedium 21 50 152 80%
Bonebat 7 30 91 100%
Creezo 23 54 163 80%
Rock 17 44 132 80%
Hornian Guardian 15 41 123 80%
Mountain Sage 66 12600 38000 100%
Hornian Blazer 12 36 110 80%
Orbituary 65 12400 37200 100%
Ordin 85 18400 55400 100%
Messenger 66 12600 38000 100%
Guard Messenger 17 44 132 80%
Bit 1 23 71 100%
Craptor 15 41 123 80%
Cruiser 25 58 175 80%
Black Bonebat 21 50 152 80%
Rojin 18 45 137 80%
Battle Scout 21 50 152 80%
Royal Hornian 22 52 158 80%
Split Bonebat 24 56 169 80%
Blood Ammon 28 64 194 80%
Battleflash 22 52 158 80%
Zennongers 26 60 181 80%
Ammones 3 25 77 100%
Felinoter 31 69 209 80%
Lucas 40 83 250 80%
Sandmall 25 58 175 80%
Odeunmall 15 41 123 80%
Sandrock 34 74 222 80%
Titanmoth 14 39 118 80%
Zanonvalder 28 64 194 80%
Horn Rock 37 78 235 80%
Warvalder 38 80 240 80%
Tyconmoth 38 80 240 80%
Beam Cutter 32 71 213 80%
Beam Interception 32 71 213 80%
Core 56 1040 3120 100%
Core Guard 50 101 304 80%
Egma 69 242 726 80%
Schill Interceptor 66 209 627 80%
Egma Schill 72 14200 42800 100%
Detect Guard 35 75 226 80%
Rocket Launcher 32 71 213 80%
Missile Launcher 37 78 235 80%
Rebel Machine Gun 30 68 205 80%
A-GEAR Early Type 34 74 222 80%
M-GEAR Early Type 35 75 226 80%
B-GEAR Early Type 37 78 235 80%
I-GEAR Early Type 39 81 245 80%
Prog. Military Base 45 8300 25000 100%
A-GEAR Heavy Arms 14 39 118 80%
M-GEAR Mellog 13 38 114 80%
B-GEAR Excalibur 15 41 123 80%
I-GEAR Shooting Star 15 41 123 80%
Redline Rocket Launcher 39 81 245 80%
Redline Machine Gun 39 81 245 80%
Base Bunker 39 81 245 80%
Redline Water Battery 39 81 245 80%
PT Type Trimus 12 36 110 80%
Island Rock 19 47 142 80%
Hate Rock 25 58 175 80%
Aralion 35 75 226 80%
Shirne 45 8300 25000 100%
Shirne Acher 30 68 205 80%
Hemo 2 24 74 100%
Hell Flower 38 80 240 80%
Naros 36 76 230 80%
Ellos 39 81 245 80%
Gross 37 78 235 80%
Valley Rock 21 50 152 80%
Hornian Hunter 53 107 323 80%
Hornian Spirit 55 112 336 80%
Hornian King 62 11700 35100 100%
Hornian King 62 11700 35100 100%
Hornian Knight 57 127 381 80%
Hornian King 62 11700 35100 100%
Hell Lion 42 86 260 80%
Coffle 32 71 213 80%
Superwatcher 10 41 125 80.0061%
Heavy Scout 10 34 102 80%
Funkylance 30 68 205 80%
Valderlance 31 69 209 80%
Thor Guardian 8 31 94 100%
I-GEAR Early Type 13 38 114 80%
I-GEAR Shooting Star 16 42 127 80%
Munitions Warehouse 30 68 205 80%
Rasilot 18 45 137 80%
Rashuma 19 47 142 80%
Hill Rider 20 49 147 80%
Joypeas 29 67 201 80%
Hovernpeas 30 68 205 80%
Hovernmus 49 99 298 80%
Cursestorm 43 88 265 80%
Valderside 30 68 205 80%
Fungerblues 30 68 205 80%
Pelliguarner 30 68 205 80%
Gigantic Egg 40 375 1135 10%
Superwatcher 8 31 94 100%
Surface Rebel 14 39 118 80%
Rebel Support 12 36 110 80%
Rebel Bomber 13 38 114 80%
Rebel Fighter 14 39 118 80%
Shrine Scout Plane 20 49 147 80%
Young Hornian Queen 38 80 240 80%
Square Large 31 69 209 80%
Tin Bat 32 71 213 80%
Cave Angler 33 72 217 80%
Water Tank Vessel 35 75 226 80%
Spear Fighter 40 83 250 80%
Mountain Sage 66 12600 38000 100%
Driver 35 75 226 80%
Surface Rebel 28 64 194 80%
Rebel Support 29 67 201 80%
Rebel Bomber 31 69 209 80%
Rebel Fighter 33 72 217 80%
Rebel Advance Base (Unconfirmed) 28 64 194 80%
Rebel Advance Base 45 8300 25000 100%
Surface Rebel 14 39 118 80%
Rebel Support 12 36 110 80%
Rebel Bomber 13 38 114 80%
Rebel Fighter 14 39 118 80%
Unfinished Ordin 43 800 2410 100%
Thor 23 54 163 80%
Thor 24 56 169 80%
Thor 25 58 175 80%
Thor 26 60 181 80%
Thor 22 52 158 80%
Thor Commander 27 58 175 100%
Heavy Arms 39 81 245 80%
Mellog 37 78 235 80%
Excalibur 40 83 250 80%
Shooting Star 42 86 260 80%
Rocky 25 58 175 80%
Rocky 26 60 181 80%
Rocky 27 62 188 80%
Rocky 28 64 194 80%
Rocky 24 56 169 80%
Rocky Commander 29 60 182 100%
Zennongers 27 62 188 80%
Zennongers 28 64 194 80%
Zennongers 29 67 201 80%
Zennongers 30 68 205 80%
Zennongers 26 60 181 80%
Zennongers Commander 31 63 190 100%
Blood Ammon 29 67 201 80%
Blood Ammon 30 68 205 80%
Blood Ammon 31 69 209 80%
Blood Ammon 32 71 213 80%
Blood Ammon 28 64 194 80%
Black Ammon 33 65 197 100%
Split Bonebat 30 62 186 100%
Sandmall 31 63 190 100%
Rebel Bomber 50 101 304 80%
Rebel Fighter 50 101 304 80%
Excalibur 50 101 304 80%
Shooting Star 50 101 304 80%
Ground Exerciser 2 24 74 100%
Support Exerciser 2 24 74 100%
Bombing Exerciser 3 25 77 100%
Fighter Exerciser 4 26 80 100%
Behemoth 30 68 205 80%
Fire Beetle 31 69 209 80%
Ghost 33 72 217 80%
Shabelle Tiger 36 76 230 80%
Dagon 38 80 240 80%
Dolphin 45 92 276 80%
Bladewing 41 85 255 80%
Scout Guard 45 92 276 80%
Scout Guard 45 92 276 80%
Scout Guard 47 95 287 80%
Scout Guard 47 95 287 80%
Scout Guard 50 101 304 80%
Scout Guard 50 101 304 80%
Scout Guard 52 105 317 80%
Scout Guard 52 105 317 80%
Scout Guard 55 112 336 80%
Scout Guard 55 112 336 80%
Scout Guard 45 92 276 80%
Scout Guard 45 92 276 80%
Scout Guard 47 95 287 80%
Scout Guard 47 95 287 80%
Scout Guard 50 101 304 80%
Scout Guard 50 101 304 80%
Scout Guard 52 105 317 80%
Scout Guard 52 105 317 80%
Scout Guard 55 112 336 80%
Scout Guard 55 112 336 80%
Ellos 39 81 245 80%
Surface Rebel 47 95 287 80%
Rebel Support 48 97 292 80%
Rebel Bomber 49 99 298 80%
Rebel Fighter 50 101 304 80%
Cursestorm 43 88 265 80%
Lucas 40 83 250 80%
Surface Rebel 51 103 310 80%
Rebel Support 52 105 317 80%
Rebel Bomber 53 107 323 80%
Rebel Fighter 55 112 336 80%
Heavy Arms 51 103 310 80%
Mellog 52 105 317 80%
Excalibur 53 107 323 80%
Shooting Star 55 112 336 80%
Missile Launcher 40 83 250 80%
Ground to Air Cannon 41 85 255 80%
Sedius 37 78 235 80%
Clisuma 29 67 201 80%
Pathos 45 8300 25000 100%
Hornian Spirit 55 112 336 80%
Hornian Knight 57 127 381 80%
Merroling 59 143 430 80%
Metanium 61 160 482 80%
Heavy Messenger 64 188 566 80%
Chrystar 63 179 537 80%
Schill Interceptor 66 209 627 80%
Unfinished Ordin 45 8300 25000 100%
Pathos 48 8800 26600 100%
Shirne 52 9600 28800 100%
Hornian Queen 55 10100 30500 100%
Mountain Sage 62 11700 35100 100%
Hornian King 65 12400 37200 100%
Vali 55 112 336 80%
Dives 59 143 430 80%
Regin 51 103 310 80%
Fllaro 65 198 596 80%
Veres 57 127 381 80%
Laum 60 151 455 80%
Ground to Air Cannon 66 209 627 80%
Missile Launcher 66 209 627 80%
Radar 72 800 5000 2000%
Cassini 63 179 537 80%
Muspell 62 169 509 80%
Lama 78 361 1085 80%
Alfen 70 253 761 80%
Baldr 74 304 913 80%
Remos 82 426 1279 80%
Seraph 77 346 1040 80%
Elliot 81 409 1228 80%
Helius 79 377 1131 80%
Beam Guard 76 332 996 80%
Missile Launcher 76 332 996 80%
Rocket Launcher 74 304 913 80%
Rocket Launcher 74 304 913 80%
Beam Guard 76 332 996 80%
Missile Launcher 76 332 996 80%
Rocket Launcher 74 304 913 80%
Schill Interceptor 73 291 873 80%
Egma 75 318 954 80%
Cylinder Beam Cutter 76 332 996 10%
Fire Guard 77 346 1040 10%
Skadi 85 18400 55400 100%
Lord Kreacia 110 1500 2950 80%
Gigantic God 90 20300 61100 100%
Spider Guard 78 361 1085 80%
Lilith 81 409 1228 80%
Bipin 83 443 1331 80%
Vito 79 377 1131 80%
Right Knee of Gigantic God 90 581 1743 80%
Salamander 86 499 1497 80%
Garp 90 581 1743 80%
Fate 88 539 1617 80%
Left Knee of Gigantic God 90 581 1743 80%
Bishop Blue 97 23400 70200 100%
Bishop Black 97 23400 70200 100%
Bishop Red 97 23400 70200 100%
Lilith (Black Box) 81 409 1228 80%
Lilith (Course Data) 81 409 1228 80%
Griph 92 625 1877 80%
Grang Griph 94 673 2019 80%
Sekhmete 100 24800 74500 100%
Royal Lucanose 35 68 205 100%
Shabelle Tiger Gray 41 77 231 100%
Ghost Saber 38 72 218 100%
Fire Beetle Presto 36 69 209 100%
Behemoth Legal 35 68 205 100%
Metal Driver 40 75 227 100%
Coffle Bine 37 71 214 100%
Funkylance Alley 35 68 205 100%
Silver Valderlance 36 69 209 100%
Warvalder Zaid 43 80 241 100%
Cursestorm Weber 48 88 266 100%
Meto Duran 46 85 255 100%
King Lucas 45 83 250 100%
Ellos Kyan 43 80 241 100%
Naros Kyan 41 77 231 100%
Gross Kyan 42 78 236 100%
Hell Flower Devil 43 80 241 100%
Trimus Slade 49 90 271 100%
Joymus Slade 53 98 294 100%
Hovernmus Slade 54 99 299 100%
Cygnus Rain 56 104 312 100%
Leuc Merroling 63 119 358 100%
Metanium Manes 65 124 372 100%
Raum Chrystar 66 126 380 100%
Caon Heavy Messenger 69 134 403 100%
Schill Interceptor Clon 70 137 411 100%
Shilling Egma 74 148 445 100%
Schill Interceptor Hush 77 157 472 100%
Egma Voltin 79 164 492 100%
Bellen Vito 84 181 543 100%
Shelob Lilith 85 18400 55400 100%
Darnell Bipin 87 192 576 100%
Brog Salamander 91 208 624 100%
Carroin Fate 93 216 649 100%
Garp Blepas 95 225 675 100%
Vali Plant 58 108 324 100%
Dives Blooper 63 119 358 100%
Regin Gerard 55 101 305 100%
Fllaro Gusion 69 134 403 100%
Veres Fronze 61 114 344 100%
Laum Nuat 64 121 365 100%
Togr Cassini 68 131 395 100%
Muspell Kartin 66 126 380 100%
Lama Aster 81 170 511 100%
Alfen Petrie 74 148 445 100%
Baldr Cruz 77 157 472 100%
Remos Noid 86 188 565 100%
Seraph Holin 81 170 511 100%
Elliot Squall 85 184 554 100%
Helious Rabi 84 181 543 100%
Craptis 39 81 245 80%
Mellina 40 83 250 80%
Laneige 42 86 260 80%
Alpha-IX 41 85 255 80%
Osprey 43 88 265 80%
Hipper Destroyer GX 46 93 281 80%
Hipper Destroyer RQ 46 93 281 80%
Hipper Destroyer KC 46 93 281 80%
Hipper Destroyer TY 46 93 281 80%
Nipar Bridge 52 9600 28800 100%
Nipar Launcher 49 99 298 80%
Frigg Sitri 47 87 261 100%
Nipar Missile Launcher 45 92 276 80%
Selick Craptis 42 78 236 100%
Mellina Noble 44 82 246 100%
Gravi Alpha-IX 46 85 255 100%
Laneige Gast 47 87 261 100%
Iron Osprey 48 88 266 100%
Sedius Dian 41 77 231 100%
Dagon Zepar 42 78 236 100%
Robben Spear Fighter 44 82 246 100%
Bardeen Blade 45 83 250 100%
Hellion Snoto 46 85 255 100%
Osprey 43 88 265 80%
Vulture 41 85 255 80%
Sandrock 43 88 265 80%
Bigfish 42 86 260 80%
Sepaum 40 83 250 80%
Sandrock 43 88 265 80%
Highrock 45 92 276 80%
Mecharock 46 93 281 80%
Gryphon 50 9200 27700 100%
Shrine Laboratory 45 92 276 80%
Highrock 48 97 292 80%
Condor 49 99 298 80%
Highmecharock 50 101 304 80%
Rockelite 52 105 317 80%
Rock Emperor 55 10100 30500 100%
Babyrock 40 83 250 80%
Babyrock 40 83 250 80%
Babyrock 40 83 250 80%
Rockegg 47 95 287 80%
Rockelite 40 83 250 80%
Quetzalcoatl 46 8500 25500 100%
Perry Messenger 35 75 226 80%
Oannes 55 112 336 80%
Roc 60 151 455 80%
Sepaum Lek 44 82 246 100%
Vulture Knocker 45 83 250 100%
Bigfish Retton 47 87 261 100%
Sandrock Canhel 48 88 266 100%
Highrock Silky 50 92 277 100%
Mecharock Hogg 50 92 277 100%
Snowman 107 800 2410 5000%
Feno Highmecharock 54 99 299 100%
Rockelite Ophion 56 104 312 100%
Rock Emperor 55 10100 30500 100%
Garp 90 581 1743 80%
G-ARK Machine Gun 85 480 1440 80%
G-ARK Missile Launcher 87 518 1556 80%
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Energy Core 51 9400 28200 100%
Frigg 43 88 265 80%
Graim 96 723 2170 80%
Spider Guard 93 649 1947 80%
Griph Typhon 95 225 675 100%
Enki Grang Griph 97 234 702 100%
Graim Oberon 99 243 731 100%
Erion 72 278 835 80%
Phillon Scout Guard 71 265 797 80%
Beach Lords 100 8000 24100 100%
Crazy Snowman 110 39900 129900 100%
Anti Ship Cannon 76 332 996 80%
Anti Ship Missile Cannon 74 304 913 80%
Destroyer Cannon 74 304 913 80%
Destroyer Missile Cannon 74 304 913 80%
Norbanus 80 393 1179 80%
Dobarcon 79 377 1131 80%
Coco 80 393 1179 80%
Seifer 83 443 1331 80%
Heinous 83 443 1331 80%
Ksar 73 291 873 80%
Rascal 83 443 1331 80%
Vatallus Scouter 80 393 1179 80%
NGC Flak 101 6480 12440 80%
Cannon Tower 75 318 954 80%
Missile Cannon Tower 70 253 761 80%
Phillon Fighter 80 393 1179 80%
Taimai 79 377 1131 80%
Servitor 70 253 761 80%
Guardian of Vatallus 89 19900 59900 100%
Eyes of Lilite 90 581 1743 80%
Echelon 85 18400 55400 100%
Gorgon 72 278 835 80%
Ogryn 71 265 797 80%
Slayer 73 291 873 80%
Mega Naros 75 318 954 80%
Mega Ellos 74 304 913 80%
Mega Gross 76 332 996 80%
Quintis 86 499 1497 80%
Brute 73 291 873 80%
Brute Piece 72 278 835 80%
Brund Melin 73 291 873 80%
Necro 70 253 761 80%
Guesper 80 393 1179 80%
Norg 78 361 1085 80%
Gayla 79 377 1131 80%
Black Widow 81 17000 51100 100%
Spear 82 426 1279 80%
Andro 85 480 1440 80%
Tart 86 499 1497 80%
Qart 86 499 1497 80%
Spear 87 518 1556 80%
Hypermall 88 539 1617 80%
V-Viper 86 499 1497 80%
S-Viper 87 518 1556 80%
C-Viper 88 539 1617 80%
J-Viper 89 559 1679 80%
Necro 75 318 954 80%
Brund Melin 75 318 954 80%
Seifer 76 332 996 80%
Cegorach 71 265 797 80%
Ogryn 52 105 317 80%
Scorlion 52 105 317 80%
Brund Melin 53 107 323 80%
Ksar 54 109 329 80%
Erion 53 107 323 80%
Phillon Scouter 52 105 317 80%
Ogryn 69 242 726 80%
Scorlion 69 242 726 80%
Brund Melin 71 265 797 80%
Ksar 71 265 797 80%
Erion 70 253 761 80%
Phillon Scouter 71 265 797 80%
Mega Naros 55 112 336 80%
Mega Ellos 54 109 329 80%
Mega Gross 56 119 358 80%
Mega Naros 68 230 692 80%
Mega Ellos 69 242 726 80%
Mega Gross 69 242 726 80%
Taimai 58 135 405 80%
Guesper 57 127 381 80%
Phillon Scouter 57 127 381 80%
Norg 59 143 430 80%
Gayla 58 135 405 80%
Phillon Fighter 59 143 430 80%
Taimai 66 209 627 80%
Guesper 66 209 627 80%
Vatallus Scouter 67 219 659 80%
Norg 66 209 627 80%
Gayla 67 219 659 80%
Phillon Fighter 66 209 627 80%
Spear 61 160 482 80%
Rascal 62 169 509 80%
Andro 60 151 455 80%
Seifer 60 151 455 80%
Heinous 60 151 455 80%
Vatallus Scouter 62 169 509 80%
Spear 63 179 537 80%
Rascal 63 179 537 80%
Andro 65 198 596 80%
Seifer 63 179 537 80%
Heinous 63 179 537 80%
Vatallus Scouter 64 188 566 80%
Cegorach 52 105 317 80%
Gorgon 52 105 317 80%
Slayer 53 107 323 80%
Elgryn 54 109 329 80%
Servitor 53 107 323 80%
Brute 53 107 323 80%
Cegorach 69 242 726 80%
Gorgon 69 242 726 80%
Slayer 71 265 797 80%
Elgryn 71 265 797 80%
Servitor 70 253 761 80%
Brute 70 253 761 80%
Brute Piece 53 107 323 80%
Brute Piece 70 253 761 80%
Erion 55 112 336 80%
Seifer 55 112 336 80%
Phillon Fighter 56 119 358 80%
Erion 69 242 726 80%
Seifer 70 253 761 80%
Phillon Fighter 66 209 627 80%
Norbanus 58 135 405 80%
Dobarcon 58 135 405 80%
Coco 59 143 430 80%
Norbanus 67 219 659 80%
Dobarcon 66 209 627 80%
Coco 66 209 627 80%
Scorlion 70 253 761 80%
Elgryn 71 265 797 80%
Unknown Gear 64 188 566 80%
Phillon Fighter 75 318 954 80%
Erion 74 304 913 80%
Phillon Fighter 54 109 329 80%
Anti-Ship Cannon 58 135 405 80%
Anti-Ship Missile Cannon 58 135 405 80%
Destroyer Cannon 57 127 381 80%
Destroyer Missile Cannon 57 127 381 80%
Anti-Ship Cannon 66 209 627 80%
Anti-Ship Missile Cannon 66 209 627 80%
Destroyer Cannon 65 198 596 80%
Destroyer Missile Cannon 66 209 627 80%
Vatallus Scouter 76 332 996 80%
Andro 85 480 1440 80%
Andro 60 151 455 80%
Andro 65 198 596 80%
Essen Norbanus 85 184 554 100%
Belge Dobarcon 84 181 543 100%
Venta Coco 85 184 554 100%
Zikin Seifer 88 196 588 100%
Herning Heinous 88 196 588 100%
Herning Heinous 88 196 588 100%
Hera Ksar 78 160 482 100%
Heart Rascal 88 196 588 100%
Heart Rascal 88 196 588 100%
Phi Vatallus Scouter 85 184 554 100%
Phi Vatallus Scouter 85 184 554 100%
Leva Phillon Fighter 85 184 554 100%
Leva Phillon Fighter 85 184 554 100%
Phipe Taimai 84 181 543 100%
Phipe Taimai 84 181 543 100%
Deve Serviter 75 151 454 100%
Deli Gorgon 77 157 472 100%
Bakha Ogryn 76 154 463 100%
Tana Slayer 78 160 482 100%
Mega Naros 80 167 501 100%
Mega Elos 79 164 492 100%
Mega Gross 81 170 511 100%
Free Quintis 91 208 624 100%
Brute Ska 78 160 482 100%
Rande Brund Melin 78 160 482 100%
Mejo Guesper 85 184 554 100%
Mejo Guesper 85 184 554 100%
Forte Norg 83 177 532 100%
Forte Norg 83 177 532 100%
Elche Gayla 84 181 543 100%
Elche Gayla 84 181 543 100%
Allen Spear 87 192 576 100%
Allen Spear 87 192 576 100%
Alfi Andro 90 203 611 100%
Alfi Andro 90 203 611 100%
Tess Tart 91 208 624 100%
Nicol Qart 91 208 624 100%
Zeno Spear 92 212 636 100%
Hypermall Lina 93 216 649 100%
Deus V-Viper 91 216 649 100%
S-Viper Macro 92 216 649 100%
Beke C-Viper 93 216 649 100%
Pora J-Viper 94 220 662 100%
Teus Erion 79 164 492 100%
Rodea Seifer 81 170 511 100%
MK II-Bomber 102 6480 12440 80%
Kaouch Cegorach 76 154 463 100%
Katalin Erion 77 157 472 100%
Kabo Phillon Scouter 76 154 463 100%
Kabo Phillon Scouter 76 154 463 100%
Zess Andro 90 203 611 100%
Pus Scorlion 75 151 454 100%
Leon Elgryn 76 154 463 100%
Force Phillon Fighter 80 167 501 100%
Revolde Queen 94 673 2019 80%
Unknown B-Gear 50 6480 12440 80%
Unknown I-Gear 50 6480 12440 80%
Unknown A-Gear 50 6480 12440 80%
Unknown M-Gear 50 6480 12440 80%
Simpler 91 603 1809 80%
effect test drop 100 1 1 100%
Arcaous 92 625 1877 80%
Eminos 91 603 1809 80%
Cartinese 92 625 1877 80%
Uruk 91 603 1809 80%
V-Vipera 95 697 2093 80%
S-Vipera 95 697 2093 80%
C-Vipera 96 723 2170 80%
J-Vipera 96 723 2170 80%
Mutant Pumpkin 110 8000 24100 100%
Corinium 99 804 2412 80%
Denes 99 804 2412 80%
Gaia 98 776 2329 80%
Baraka 99 804 2412 80%
Kirkuk 101 832 2498 80%
Hate 100 832 2498 80%
Ion Cannon 102 832 2498 80%
Nano Rocket Launcher 100 832 2498 80%
Infected Fungers 57 179 537 80%
Infected Bonebat 58 198 596 80%
Infected Messanger 58 188 566 80%
Infected Egma 75 800 5000 100%
Infected Interceptor 75 800 5000 100%
Infected Cannon 73 800 5000 100%
Blazed Egma 75 8000 24100 100%
Blazed Interceptor 75 8000 24100 100%
Infected Missile Battery 73 800 5000 100%
Halloween Bat 110 32 980 100%
Bishop Green 97 23400 70200 100%
RM-230 110 39900 129900 100%
Dual Gaia 103 832 2498 80%
Beach King 110 8000 24100 100%
Corinium X 101 832 2498 80%
Hate X 102 832 2498 80%
Barraca X 101 832 2498 80%
Denes X 101 832 2498 80%
Kasa 98 800 2500 80%
Ignis 96 800 2500 80%
Calamity 110 80000 204100 100%
NGC Research Probe 102 900 2550 80%
Scavenger 105 900 2550 80%
Uruk 103 900 2550 80%
NGC Supply Ship 105 900 2550 80%
NGC Scout 105 800 2500 80%
Eater 106 23400 70200 100%
Flame Messenger 100 800 2500 80%
Mighty Shirne 100 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Egma Schill 100 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Ordin 100 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Rock Emperor 100 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Skadi 100 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Kirkuk 95 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Bipin 95 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Lilith 95 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Vito 95 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Bishop Blue 100 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Bishop Black 100 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Bishop Red 100 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Calzaghe 100 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Quintis 95 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Corinium 95 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Hate 95 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Baraka 95 1500 2950 96%
Mighty Denes 95 1500 2950 96%
Guardian of the Phillon 110 1500 2950 80%
Kasa 98 800 2500 80%
Ignis 96 800 2500 80%
Ignis 96 800 2500 80%
NGC B-GEAR 107 1000 2600 80%
NGC I-GEAR 107 1100 2650 80%
NGC I-2 Gear 110 1500 2950 80%
NGC M-GEAR 107 1000 2600 80%
NGC A-GEAR 107 1100 2650 80%
Sand Dragon 104 1000 2600 80%
Infected Organism 105 1000 2600 80%
Death Worm 107 23400 70200 100%
Marine Transport 106 1100 2650 80%
NGC Machine Gun 106 1100 2650 80%
NGC Mothership 110 23400 70200 100%
Summoned Ordin 99 1500 2950 80%
Summoned Hornian King 99 1500 2950 80%
Summoned Rock Emperor 99 1500 2950 80%
Summoned Gryphon 99 1500 2950 80%
Summoned Echelon 97 1500 2950 80%
Summoned Carrier 97 1500 2950 80%
NGC Ground Drone 106 1300 2750 80%
Strange Structure 100 1300 2750 80%
NGC Military Turret 106 1300 2750 80%
Mr Pengu 110 8000 24100 100%
Penguin Doom Machine Core 110 39900 129900 100%
Pumpkid 110 5000 10100 100%
Halloween Ghost 110 5000 10100 100%
Halloween Broom 110 5000 10100 100%
SoonTM! 114 8000 24100 100%
NGC Scout Drone 107 1300 2750 80%
NGC Scouter 108 1400 2800 80%
Surfing Penguin 107 800 2410 100%
Air Penguin 107 800 2410 100%
Glider Penguin 107 800 2410 100%
Blood Crystal 85 377 1131 80%
Research Probe 86 377 1131 80%
Advanced Caim 85 377 1131 80%
Phillon Juggernaut 86 377 1131 80%
Overlord-01 109 23400 70200 100%
NGC Missile Turret 107 1400 2800 80%
NGC Missile Guard 107 1400 2800 80%
NGC Beam Guard 107 1400 2800 80%
NGC Calcani 109 23400 70200 100%
NGC Messenger 110 1500 2950 80%
NGC Secret Cannon 108 1500 2950 80%
NGC Rascal 108 1500 2950 80%
NGC Missile Scout 108 1500 2950 80%
NGC Juggernaut 110 1500 2950 80%
NGC Sporty 109 1500 2950 80%
NGC Kirkuk 110 1500 2950 80%
Emerald Gear 105 6480 12440 80%
Bishop Orange 97 23400 70200 100%
NGC Radar 106 1400 2800 80%
Saleos 110 23400 70200 100%
NGC Hornian 108 1400 2800 80%
NGC Gorgon 107 1400 2800 80%
Tetzlica 111 23400 70200 100%
Ultra Block Gryphon 3 39900 129900 100%
Ultra Block Bishop 3 39900 129900 100%
Ultra Block Mount Sage 3 39900 129900 100%
Ultra Block Echelon 3 39900 129900 100%
Sacrificial Lamb 100 6480 12440 80%
Sacrificial Lamb 100 6480 12440 80%
Sacrificial Lamb 100 6480 12440 80%
Sacrificial Lamb 100 6480 12440 80%
NGC NTK 111 1500 2950 80%
Ancient Rascal 110 1500 2950 80%
NGC Missile Turret 111 1500 2950 80%
NGC Super Coil 112 1500 2950 80%
Overhead Completion 112 23400 70200 100%
Azimuth 102 17000 51100 100%
Hallowidow 120 8000 24100 100%
Hallowidow Larva 120 8000 24100 100%
Xalzrero 110 8000 24100 100%
Lost Missile Turret 109 8000 24100 100%
Lost Calcani 109 8000 24100 100%
MrWaddler 50 100000 300000 100%
MrsWaddler 50 100000 300000 100%
Ice Chrome Carrier 100 8000 24100 100%
Ice Chrome Tank 100 8000 24100 100%
Polterghost 110 8000 24100 100%
Robat 110 8000 24100 100%
Yoloer 110 8000 24100 100%
Waverider 110 8000 24100 100%
Chicken Cat 110 8000 24100 100%
Beer Cat 110 8000 24100 100%
Chicken Cat 110 8000 24100 100%
Beer Cat 110 8000 24100 100%
Boombastick 110 8000 24100 100%
Snowboard Penguin 110 8000 24100 100%
Frozen Gear 100 8000 24100 100%
Icy Tank 100 8000 24100 100%
Snowman 107 8000 24100 100%
Winter Sheep 110 8000 24100 100%
Easter Egg 107 8000 24100 100%
Venomee 107 8000 24100 100%
Mechegg 107 8000 24100 100%
Gaudegg 107 8000 24100 100%
Egg Warden 109 8000 24100 100%
Golden Egg 107 8000 24100 100%
Abyssseeker 110 8000 24100 100%
Ripple 104 8000 24100 100%
Despoiler 107 8000 24100 100%
Egg Hunter 110 8000 24100 100%
Mutant Pumpkin 110 8000 24100 100%
Mutant Pumpkin 110 8000 24100 100%
Abysseeker 110 8000 24100 100%
Lost Unit 90 8000 24100 100%
Lost Drive 41 8000 24100 100%
Lost Hunter 107 8000 24100 100%
Lost Mobile Battery 107 8000 24100 100%
Xaleros 107 8000 24100 100%
Yvri 90 8000 24100 100%
Vulcanized 47 8000 24100 100%
Egguardian 47 8000 24100 100%
Noxious 47 8000 24100 100%
Scorched 47 8000 24100 100%
Yvri 90 8000 24100 100%
Cosmic Hunter 110 8000 24100 100%
Occult Pepo 107 5000 10100 100%
Nocturnal Hemo 107 5000 10100 100%
Lurking Messenger 110 5000 10100 100%
Damned Trimus 110 5000 10100 100%
Mystic Flyseed 110 8000 24100 100%
Primordial Shirne 120 8000 24100 100%
Dilapidated Archer 110 8000 24100 100%
Eerie Blimp 110 8000 24100 100%
Messenger's Curse 120 8000 24100 100%
Khepri 100 5000 10100 100%
Garreta 100 5000 10100 100%
Leiurus 110 5000 10100 100%
Aapep 110 5000 10100 100%
Unknown Khenes 115 8000 24100 100%
Serket's Keeper 120 8000 24100 100%
SpaceBall 50 50000 100000 10%
Element no.1 Element no.2 Element no.3 Element no.4 Element no.5 Cost Success Rate