Name: Dark Crystal

Weight: 0kg

Enchantable: Yes

Tradeable: Yes

Sellable: Yes

Trashable: Yes

Warehouse: Enabled

Shared Warehouse: Enabled

Brigade Warehouse: Enabled

Description: Extraterrestial matter recently found and thought to be the cause of the abnormal phenomenon in the world. It is said to have an unknown effect on weapons.

Item Level Gear
Item Level Gear
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Mutant Pumpkin 110 1 1 0.005%
Calamity 110 1 1 0.2%
The Gourd King 114 1 1 4.05%
Hallowidow Larva 120 1 1 4.05%
Xalzrero 110 1 2 4.05%
Robat 110 1 1 0.03%
Chicken Cat 110 1 1 0.005%
Mutant Pumpkin 110 1 1 0.005%
Yvri 90 1 1 4.05%
Yvri 90 1 1 4.05%
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Cosmic Hunter 110 1 1 0.005%
Mystic Flyseed 110 1 1 0.005%
Primordial Shirne 120 1 1 4.05%
Dilapidated Archer 110 1 1 0.03%
Eerie Blimp 110 1 1 0.03%
Messenger's Curse 120 1 1 4.05%
Unknown Khenes 115 1 1 0.005%
Serket's Keeper 120 1 1 4.05%
Pumpkin Lord 112 1 1 4.05%
Element no.1 Element no.2 Element no.3 Element no.4 Element no.5 Cost Success Rate

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