Name: Abyssseeker

Level: 110

Life: 5.600.000 HP

Speed: 1 m/s

Attack Range: 3.760 m

Regen: 162 HP/s

Full Regen Time: 34.639 s

Experience: 840.000 XP

Item Level Gear Minimum Count Maximum Count Drop Chance
Fragment of a Blue Token 1 All Gears 1 3 100%
Fragment of a Green Token 1 All Gears 1 3 100%
Fragment of a Yellow Token 1 All Gears 1 3 100%
SPI 1 All Gears 8000 24100 5000%
DNA Core 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Tisten Ore 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Tasinon Ore 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Halfnium Ore 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Zircon Ore 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Henium Ore 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Netine Ore 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Molden Ore 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Barine Ore 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
High Purity Tisten Ore 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
High Purity Tasinon Ore 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
High Purity Halfnium Ore 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
High Purity Zircon Ore 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
High Purity Henium Ore 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
High Purity Netine Ore 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
High Purity Molden Ore 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
High Purity Barine Ore 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
DNA 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Egg 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Mutant DNA 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Chip 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Refined Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Search Eye 1 All Gears 1 5 173.65%
Eye Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Keil Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Leon Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Aimaam Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Tin Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Zial Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Trevarion Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Trail Edcanium 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Edcanium 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Chrome 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Titanium 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Cadmium 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Magnesium 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Nickel 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Zirconium 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Silver 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Iron 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Tungsten 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Copper 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Aluminum 1 All Gears 2 4 40%
Thanksgiving Turkey 1 All Gears 1 10 250%
Roasted Turkey 1 All Gears 1 10 250%
Rapier Warhead Mk. I 1 All Gears 1 10 250%
Mind Parasite Larva 1 All Gears 1 10 250%
Swift Enchant Standard Attack Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Advanced Attack Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Standard Reat. Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Advanced Reat. Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Standard Weight Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Advanced Weight Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Standard Time Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Standard Range Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Advanced Range Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Standard Accuracy Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Advanced Accuracy Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Standard Pierce Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Swift Enchant Advanced Pierce Card 1 All Gears 1 1 26.9%
Osmium 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
Riante Ore 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
High Purity Riante Ore 1 All Gears 1 3 39%
1.000 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 5 15%
3.000 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 4 13%
6.000 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 2 11%
9.000 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 3 12%
5.000 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 3 10%
10.000 WP Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 10%
Boss Strengthening Card 1 All Gears 1 1 0.8%
Boss Strengthening Card Fragment 1 All Gears 1 5 2%
Skadis Strength 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Egma Schills Strength 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Ordin Strength 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Rock Emperors Strength 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Hornian Kings Strength 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Gigantic Gods Strength 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Guardian of Vatallus Strength 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Echelon Strength 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Black Widows Strength 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Bishops Strength 1 All Gears 1 1 2%
Dragon's Blessing Fragments 1 All Gears 1 5 100%
Death Terol 100 All Gears 1 1 18%
Death Arrow 100 All Gears 1 1 18%
Death Edrill 100 All Gears 1 1 18%
Death Bawoo 100 All Gears 1 1 18%
Death Tongpha 100 All Gears 1 1 18%
Event Killmark Fragment 1 All Gears 1 15 600%
Legend Weapon Upgrade Card 1 All Gears 1 1 80%
Boss Transformation Card 1 All Gears 1 1 0.8%
Legendary Crystal 1 All Gears 1 3 180%
Frag. of a Leg. Weapon Gamble Caps. 1 All Gears 1 2 30%
Hyper Enchant Item Protect Card E12 1 All Gears 1 3 180%
Enchant Chance +70% Card 1 All Gears 1 3 12.52%
PET V2 Upgrade Card Fragment 1 All Gears 5 15 202.5%
PET V3 Upgrade Card Fragment 1 All Gears 3 7 189%
Hyper Energy Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Energy/Shield Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Shield Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Adv. Attack Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Std. Reat. Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Adv. Reat. Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Std. Accuracy Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Adv. Accuracy Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Std. Attack Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Std. Pierce Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Adv. Pierce Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Defense Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Evasion Card [+2,5%] 1 All Gears 1 3 10.05%
Hyper Energy Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Energy/Shield Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Shield Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Adv. Attack Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Std. Reat. Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Adv. Reat. Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Std. Accuracy Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Adv. Accuracy Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Std. Attack Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Std. Pierce Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Adv. Pierce Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Defense Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Evasion Card [+5%] 1 All Gears 1 2 8.067%
Hyper Improvement Card 1 All Gears 1 2 60.75%
Easter Vaccine 1 All Gears 20 50 90.9%
Rotten Egg 1 All Gears 10 20 5000%
Decorated Egg 1 All Gears 10 20 5000%
Happiness 1 All Gears 40 60 90.9%
Enthusiasm 1 All Gears 40 60 90.9%
Golden Box 1 All Gears 2 3 5000%
CR-Points Capsule 1 All Gears 1 1 10%