Name: Hyper Enchant Item Protect Card E12

Gear Type: All Gears

Usable after 12 enchantments

Failed enchantments fall back to enchantment level 12

Enchantable: Yes

Tradeable: Yes

Sellable: Yes

Trashable: Yes

Warehouse: Enabled

Shared Warehouse: Enabled

Brigade Warehouse: Enabled

Description: Protects an item from being destroyed when enchant fails. A failure in Enchant will set the item back to Enchant:12.

Item Level Gear
Hyper Enchant Item Protect Card E13 1 All Gears
Item Level Gear
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Mountain Sage 66 1 1 0.8%
Ordin 85 1 1 0.8%
Messenger 66 1 1 0.8%
Egma Schill 72 1 1 0.8%
Skadi 85 1 1 0.8%
Lord Kreacia 110 1 3 0.5%
Gigantic God 90 1 1 0.8%
Bishop Blue 97 1 1 1.1%
Bishop Black 97 1 1 1.1%
Bishop Red 97 1 1 1.1%
Sekhmete 100 1 1 1.1%
Guardian of Vatallus 89 1 1 0.9%
Echelon 85 1 1 0.9%
Black Widow 81 1 1 0.9%
Bishop Green 97 1 1 1.1%
RM-230 110 1 1 1.1%
Beach King 110 1 1 12.52%
Calamity 110 2 3 12.52%
Eater 106 1 1 1.1%
Death Worm 107 1 1 1.1%
NGC Mothership 110 1 1 1.1%
The Gourd King 114 2 3 12.52%
Monster Level Min. Count Max. Count Drop Chance
Overlord-01 109 1 1 1.1%
NGC Calcani 109 1 1 1.1%
Bishop Orange 97 1 1 1.1%
Saleos 110 1 1 1.1%
Tetzlica 111 1 1 1.1%
Overhead Completion 112 1 1 1.1%
Azimuth 102 1 1 0.9%
Hallowidow 120 1 1 12.52%
Hallowidow Larva 120 2 3 12.52%
Xalzrero 110 2 5 12.52%
Lost Calcani 109 1 1 3.52%
Winter Sheep 110 1 1 12.52%
Abyssseeker 110 1 3 100%
Abysseeker 110 1 1 12.52%
Xaleros 107 1 1 3.52%
Yvri 90 2 3 12.52%
Yvri 90 2 3 12.52%
Primordial Shirne 120 2 3 12.52%
Messenger's Curse 120 2 3 12.52%
Serket's Keeper 120 2 3 12.52%
Pumpkin Lord 112 2 3 12.52%
Element no.1 Element no.2 Element no.3 Element no.4 Element no.5 Cost Success Rate
Hyper Enchant Item Protect Card E11 (7x) N/A N/A N/A N/A 1000000 SPI 100%

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